Factor of safety in operation: angles, bolts, tensile strength


New member
Dec 10, 2016
Hello all, Probably a very simple question when you know how to do it. I am just struggling to find information that is correct.


So far:

Bolt @ 47°
Ultimate tensile strength = 509MPa
Shear Strength = 357MPa
Bolt Diameter = 17mm
F = 20KN

Divide the force of the bolt between the axis of the bolt and the perpendicular to the axis

i) along the axis = 20Cos47 =14.640KN
ii) along perpendicular to the axis = 20Sin47 = 14.627 KN

Area of cross section of the bolt = PiD2/4 = Pi172/4 = 226.980mm2

Direct tensile stress = DF/A = 13.640/226.980
= 0.06009KN/mm2
= 60.09N/mm2
= 60.09MPa (as 1Nmm2 = 1MPa)

Shear/tangential stress = SF/A = 14.627/226.980
= 0.06444KN/mm2
= 64.44N/mm2
= 64.44MPa

I know it is correct up to this point, the next bit I think I've done wrong and information on the equations seems to vary depending on the source.

Shear FoS = Ultimate tensile strength / shear stress = 509/64.44 = 7.90
Tensile FoS = Shear Strength / Direct tensile stress = 357/60.09 = 5.94

So is the factor of safety in operation = the lowest number? so 5.94??

Could anyone help me with this please, Thank you for looking.
Jut had this confirmed as being correct. This was for BTec lvl 3, hope it helps someone in the future.
I beleive you've mixed up your cos and sin when finding the components of the force:

along the axis should be 20sin47 and perpendicular should be 20cos47