Coordinate geometry problem


New member
May 23, 2017
I'm completely stuck on the second and third parts of this question. The first part I have done and detail below.

The circle S1 with centre C1(a1, b1) and radius r1 touches externally the circle S2 with centre C2(a2, b2) and radius r2. The tangent at their common point passes through the origin.

(i) Show that (a12 - a22) + (b12 - b22) = r12 - r22.

(ii) If, also, the other two tangents from the origin to S1 and S2 are perpendicular, prove that |a2b1 - a1b2| = |a1a2 + b1b2|.

(iii) Hence show that, if C1 remains fixed but S1 and S2 vary, then C2 lies on the curve (a12 - b12)(x2 - y2) + 4a1b1xy = 0.

Part (i) I have solved by finding the equations of the two circles:

x2 + y2 - 2a1x - 2b1y + a12 + b12 = r12
x2 + y2 - 2a2x - 2b2y + a22 + b22 = r22

Then r12 - r22 = 2(a2 - a1)x + 2(b2 - b1)y + (a12 - a22) + (b12 - b22) [1]

The gradient of C1C2 is (b2 - b1) / (a2 - a1) so the gradient of the common tangent is perpendicular to this, i.e. -(a2 - a1) / (b2 - b1) and the equation of this tangent through the origin is (b2 - b1)y = -(a2 - a1)x.

Substituting this in [1] gives (a12 - a22) + (b12 - b22) = r12 - r22, as required.

For part (ii), I have established that dy/dx for S1 and S2 are given by -(x - a1)/(y - b1) and -(x - a2)/(y - b2), respectively. These are perpendicular, so

-(x - a1)/(y - b1) = (y - b2)/(x - a2)

which leads to x2 + y2 - (a1 + a2)x - (b1 + b2)y + a1a2 + b1b2 = 0

And that's it - I'm completely stuck! Any help would be much appreciated.