Grade 12 Functions question: Restaurant conversation is about 45dB....


New member
Aug 10, 2017
HI, I am preparing for university and am currently taking grade 12 functions.

I have tried for the past 2 days to figure out this problem with absolutely no success.

If anything can show me a step by step (i would like to know HOW to solve it) that would be amazing.


  1. People tend to speak more quietly in restaurants than they do when they are having an ordinary conversation. Restaurant conversation is about 45dB. If ordinary conversation is 100 times greater than restaurant conversation, how loud is ordinary conversation?
How does db work? If you increase 1 db, how much louder is that? I searched "db scale explained" and found quite a bit of useful information.
If anything can show me a step by step (i would like to know HOW to solve it) that would be amazing.
Well, you already have loads of worked examples in your textbook, in your class notes, and on the various websites you've viewed while reviewing this topic (such as here). So us doing one more worked example isn't likely to make much of a difference, I'm afraid. :oops:

I have tried for the past 2 days to figure out this problem with absolutely no success.
Maybe; maybe not. But until we can see at least one of your efforts, we won't know if you're almost there, or if you're first needing lesson instruction. So please post at least one example of something you've tried.

People tend to speak more quietly in restaurants than they do when they are having an ordinary conversation. Restaurant conversation is about 45dB. If ordinary conversation is 100 times greater than restaurant conversation, how loud is ordinary conversation?
Let's start with what's been going on in class. What topics have you recently studied? Logarithms, maybe? If they gave you a general equation for decibels, what was it? If not, how did the book solve similar questions?

Please be complete. Thank you! ;)