Geometry: Given 2 pts on, line tangent to circle, find center, radius

As near as I can tell, the exercise gives you the coordinates of two points (A and B) on the circle, along with a line which is tangent to the circle. You are asked to find the center and radius of the circle.

I think they gave you coordinates for the points and an equation for the line, but this information is too small to be legible. Please reply with that info, along with a clear listing of your thoughts and efforts so far, so we can see what's going on. Thank you! ;)
I can see from the image that all quantities are symbolic. That's not enough information to guarantee a unique solution. Are you sure there's no other known information?

The given tangent line is:

a·x + b·y + c = 0

The coordinates for the given points appear to be subscripted symbols for x and y, but I cannot read the subscripts. I'll use letters:

A(xA, yA)

B(xB, yB)

Here's an example of given coordinates for points A and B, along with given parameters (estimated) for the tangent line:

xA = 1/3 + 2·√2/3

yA = 4·√2/3 - 5/3

xB = 11/17 + 18·√2/17

yB = 4·√2/17 - 7/17

a ≈ 1.39814951

b = -1

c ≈ -7.24185978

With these givens, either of the following is possible.

A circle of radius 4 centered at (3, 1+2√2)

A circle of radius √5 centered at (1, -2)

In this example, how would we determine which circle they're talking about?