In triangle ABC, the measure of angle BAC is 120, AC = 2AB, M is the midpoint of BC


New member
Feb 13, 2018
Hello guys ,,
Can anyone from you help me with this question
In triangle ABC, the measure of angle BAC is 120, AC = 2AB and M is the midpoint
of BC. What is the true relation?
4-m(MAB) =90

Thanks in advance
I suspect that the reason there have been no previous replies to this question is that you made two posts in quick succession with the same subject line. In future, you may find it more helpful to create a useful subject line (as I have edited your threads to display).

In triangle ABC, the measure of angle BAC is 120, AC = 2AB and M is the midpoint
of BC. What is the true relation?
1. m(MAC) = 90o
2. m(MAB) = 60o
3. m(AMC) = 120o
4. m(AMB) = 30o
5. m(MAB) = 90o
What are your thoughts? What have you tried? After you drew the picture (perhaps using a protractor and ruler), how far have you gotten? Where are you stuck?

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