Given BE=BD, AE=CD, prove that triangle ABC is isosceles


Junior Member
Oct 23, 2017
Ok, I wrote givens but I don't know what else to write.

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Problem #1
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Ok, I wrote givens but I don't know what else to write.

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from the 1st given, you know that

Ok, I wrote givens but I don't know what else to write.

Sent from my LGMS210 using Tapatalk

Problem #1

triangle BED is isosceles. So, <BED=<BDE. This gives you that <BEA=<BDC. From the two givens and <BEA=<BDC, you can see that the first and the last small triangles are congruent (SAS).
This make the large triangle isosceles.
triangle BED is isosceles. So, <BED=<BDE. This gives you that <BEA=<BDC. From the two givens and <BEA=<BDC, you can see that the first and the last small triangles are congruent (SAS).
This make the large triangle isosceles.
Let's let the student do/show a little more work in the future. Thanks.