Two-way ANOVA or one-way ANOVA for time-course experiment with different drugs?


New member
Aug 30, 2016

I am not sure whether I really have to use a two-way ANOVA here or whether a one-way ANOVA can be used due to type of experimental question.

First, I will try to explain the experimental setup resulting in the data to be analyzed statistically:
The data are levels of the cytokine IL-6 in the blood of mice treated with three different drugs and of untreated control mice. The mice were given one of the drugs at day 0 (or not given any drug in the case of the control mice). Then, blood was taken for determining IL-6 levels at day 5, day 7, day 10 and day 14.

The question to be answered here is: Are there any statistically significant differences in the IL-6 levels between treated mice and control mice at the individual time points?

The time course itself is not of interest here, neither are interactions of the factor drug treatment and time.

So, would it be OK to use a one-way ANOVA + Dunnet's post-hoc test for the data of each individual time point (d5, d7, d10 and d14) to find out whether there are statistically significant differences between treatments and control?
Or do I have to use a two-way ANOVA because there are two factors here, time and drug treatment?