For what values of k does 3x^2- kx + 2 have two equal real roots?


New member
Jul 24, 2018
I'm a junior in high school. I'm taking Pre-Calculus 11 online and I'm struggling with this question.

For what values of k does 3x2- kx + 2 have two equal real roots?

I've started using b2 - 4ac, but I don't know where to go from there or if that's even the best way to approach this question.
For 3x2 - kx + 2, a=3, b=k, c=2.
I know that for a quadratic equation to have 2 equal roots, b2 - 4ac = 0.
k2 - 4(3)(2) = b2 - 4ac
k2 - 4(3)(2) = 0
k2 -24 = 0
k2 = 24
k =

I don't know how to continue on from there. I would appreciate all the help I can get!

… For what values of k does 3x2- kx + 2 have two equal real roots?

… I know that for a quadratic equation to have 2 equal roots, b2 - 4ac = 0

… k = √24

I don't know how to continue on from there …
That's not a correct expression for k.

\(\displaystyle \sqrt{k^2} = |k| \quad \text{not }k\)

Fix the sign issue. Then, do you know how to simplify the radical? (Most instructors would like to see the answers simplified.)
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… a=3, b=k, c=2

k2 - 4(3)(2) = b2 - 4ac
b = -k

So we should write b^2 as (-k)^2

Because -k is squared, in this exercise, you came out okay. Be mindful of coefficient signs. :cool:
I'm a junior in high school. I'm taking Pre-Calculus 11 online and I'm struggling with this question.

For what values of k does 3x2- kx + 2 have two equal real roots?

I've started using b2 - 4ac, but I don't know where to go from there or if that's even the best way to approach this question.
For 3x2 - kx + 2, a=3, b=k, c=2.
I know that for a quadratic equation to have 2 equal roots, b2 - 4ac = 0.
k2 - 4(3)(2) = b2 - 4ac
k2 - 4(3)(2) = 0
k2 -24 = 0
k2 = 24
k =

I don't know how to continue on from there. I would appreciate all the help I can get!

Don't forget that there are two numbers whose square is 24!

Find both, and simplify the radicals. Otherwise, you're doing fine. I'd do just what you did.