Y as independent variable and dependent variable? How to determine?


New member
Sep 1, 2018
… if y = f(x) has an inverse function x = g(y), is x independent in both the original function and its inverse ?
I am not a math Major. But came across this topic for a predictive modelling I am trying to build. Is it possible to use a variable Y as a independent variable and dependent variable ? Can you explain how to determine t, if I have to express Y in terms of t?
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… Can you explain how to determine t, if I have to express Y in terms of t?
If Y = f(t), then Y is already expressed in terms of t. Use function f's inverse, to determine t. The inverse function accepts Y as input and outputs t:

t = f͏͏⁻¹(Y)

If you have a definition for Y = f(t), then swap variable names and solve for Y.


Y = 4t + 1

Swap variable names

t = 4Y + 1

Solve for Y

Y = (t - 1)/4

The inverse function for f is f͏͏⁻¹(t) = (t - 1)/4

By swapping names, we can plot both functions on the same coordinate system.

Y = f(t)

Y = f͏͏⁻¹(t)

f and f-inv.JPG

… Is it possible to use a variable Y as a independent variable and dependent variable ? …
It's okay to think of Y that way (i.e., as output from f going into f's inverse), but we generally write function notation for each Y, to distinguish them. You could also use subscripts, like Yf and Yf⁻¹. In my example, I distinguished them using colors.

Function f has points (t, Y) like (0, 1) and its inverse function f͏͏⁻¹ has points (t, Y) like (1, 0)

See how the inputs and outputs are inverted? (0, 1) and (1, 0)

(t, Y) can be viewed as (Y, t) because t=Y and Y=t (that is, value Y used as inverse-function input t, and inverse output Y used as f's original value t).

It's easier, using function notation f(t) and f͏͏⁻¹(t) as variable symbols instead of Y and Y. This way, you only need remember that symbol t in the inverse function is f's original output.

f(t) = 4t + 1

f͏͏⁻¹(t) = (t - 1)/4

When you're working with function f, t is the independent variable and it represents values in f's domain. Symbol f(t) represents values in f's range.

When you're working with the inverse function f͏͏⁻¹(t), t is its independent variable. That is, t represents values from f͏͏⁻¹'s domain and f͏͏⁻¹(t) represents values from f͏͏⁻¹'s range.

In the context of the relationship between a function and its inverse, the t in f͏͏⁻¹(t) may be viewed as values from f's range.

Points on the graph of function f: ( t, f(t) )

Points on the graph of function f's inverse: ( f(t), f͏͏⁻¹(t) )

You're also free to assign additional symbol names, if you need to, for keeping track of what's going on. Function notation is standard, however.

Let us know, if you still have questions. Please post any specific exercise. :cool:
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