Army crypt

Somehow missed seeing this one, until just now. Hmmm …

As 'lay' has about two dozen definitions, I suspect 'run' has at least three dozen. And animals? There's over 9 million of 'em (from those with only a few cells up to the blue whale).

Don't know how many animal names have nine letters, but I know this crypt will take me a while (until I decide to cheat, that is) … :)
I'm thinking a synonym for run amongst the letters GIs, to give the plural of a particular animal.

Am I on the right track?
Haven't reached 'cheat point' (yet), but I've started a nice list of 'run' synonyms.

score play rip tear sprint job bolt move race trot hustle go leave operate route trip compete bleed drift flow surge

Also trying to think of 8-letter animal names. All I got is elephant and kangaroo (so far)

This crypt is revenge for having waylaid Denis … ;)
Haven't reached 'cheat point' (yet), but I've started a nice list of 'run' synonyms.

score play rip tear sprint job bolt move race trot hustle go leave operate route trip compete bleed drift flow surge

Also trying to think of 8-letter animal names. All I got is elephant and kangaroo (so far)

This crypt is revenge for having waylaid Denis … ;)

What is the "cheat point" and what do you call cheating?
Is googling 8 letter animals or googling synonyms for "run" considered cheating?
In that case I'm guilty as charged.
What is the "cheat point" …
That's a reference to my mind set on puzzle solving; it's the point in time where I choose to transition from paper and pencil to outside resources (i.e., cheating myself). :cool:

The cheat point often arrives sooner rather than later, but I'm still motivated to catch this animal. I mentioned it because I don't want a spoiler. Currently, I'm having a brain freeze on long animal names. Maybe brain will thaw during sleep.
Huh? Nothing wrong with using computer searches RIGHT AWAY!
I try to do them without first, but reach my "cheat point" quite quickly! I think a lot of the puzzle solving happens before so you know what to google.
I try to do them without first, but reach my "cheat point" quite quickly! I think a lot of the puzzle solving happens before so you know what to google.
Of course...but when you've determined stuff like "I need to find a n-letter word
for whatever", why call on your tired memory cells? :rolleyes:
Huh? Nothing wrong with using computer searches RIGHT AWAY!
Of course. Your mind set differs; that's okay. I don't use a thesaurus right away; I like brainstorming. This animal crypt seems like I ought to be able to get it, but it hasn't happened yet. Not ready to cheat myself (yet). :cool:
I think a lot of the puzzle solving happens before so you know what to google.
I see the crypt challenge more like half and half (half considering different wordplay interpretations and half coming up with character strings to test -- until I start searching references, at which point solving becomes mechanical.