4 students guess their teacher's height: 196, 163, 178, 185, w/ errors 1, 6, 16, 17


New member
Nov 20, 2018
Hey guys
4 students guess their teacher's height: 196, 163, 178 and 185.
If their error be 1, 6, 16 and 17, what is the teacher's height?
Hey guys
4 students guess their teacher's height: 196, 163, 178 and 185.
If their error be 1, 6, 16 and 17, what is the teacher's height?

Are you SURE you reported the question correctly?

Are the errors in the same order as the guesses?
Hey guys
4 students guess their teacher's height: 196, 163, 178 and 185.
If their error be 1, 6, 16 and 17, what is the teacher's height?

You might try putting the guesses on a number line and thinking about where the actual height might be. I'd probably start with the fact that it is 17 away from one of the guesses.

Yes, there is a solution. But, no, the guesses are not in the same order as the errors; that would take away all the challenge.
Let's use some common sense logic.

163 + 1 = 164 Now, 196 - ( 6, 16 or 17) does Not give 164
163 + 6 = 169 Now 196 - (1, 16 or 17) does Not give 169
163 + 16 =179 Now 196 - 17 does give 179
163 + 17 = 180 Now 196 - 16 does give 180

So if there is an answer, it will be 179 or 180.

Try proceeding from here!
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