Help finding value of x


New member
Dec 2, 2018
Hey y'all


I have no idea how to even approach this problem. I know that the two marked lines are parallel, but I can't seem to do anything with that info. Please help!
Hey y'all

View attachment 10588

I have no idea how to even approach this problem. I know that the two marked lines are parallel, but I can't seem to do anything with that info. Please help!

First, is it marked correctly? Can those two horizontal pieces be the same length?

Once you fix that, Ponder Similar Triangles.
First, is it marked correctly? Can those two horizontal pieces be the same length?

Once you fix that, Ponder Similar Triangles.
Oops uhh I meant those two lines were parallel, not congruent.
First, is it marked correctly? Can those two horizontal pieces be the same length?

Once you fix that, Ponder Similar Triangles.

Oops, sorry! Those lines are supposed to be parallel, not congruent.
Hey y'all

View attachment 10588

I have no idea how to even approach this problem. I know that the two marked lines are parallel, but I can't seem to do anything with that info. Please help!
Why would you know that the two marked lines are parallel especially since the marks you put denote that the lines are the same length? Double slash marks denote parallel lines.
Those two lines aren't congruent, they're parallel btw. So, I used AB/AD=AC/AE
I ended up getting an answer of x=10, can anyone confirm this?