Linear Relations and Functions


New member
Jul 27, 2005
Today was my first day of Trig class and my teacher throws out some questions at us that really, I have no idea how to do. All I need is a finger in the right directions as far as online help goes that covers any or all of the following:

Relations and Functions
Composition of Functions
Graphing Linear Equations
Writing Linear Equations
Writing Equations or Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
Modeling Real-World Data with Linear Functions
Piecewise Functions
Graphing Linear Inequalities

My teacher isn't the brightest I've ever seen so any online or personal help you could offer would be great.


PS: I know about Google :) [/list]
It's a little early to be evaluating the "bright"ness of the teacher, isn't it?

We can help with specific problems. We can't be a classroom and generally, we don't want to write you another text book.