

New member
Aug 29, 2005
How do i graph these functions.

1. f(x)=17/4
2. g(x)=-2!x=5!

Please help me with any question above if possible thank you I have no idea how to graph these questions.
Well, it was pointed out to you there that, if you knew to explain the absolute-value notation, surely you knew that the functions containing the absolute-value notation were absolute-value functions. So why are you asking about those again?

Also, what is the definition of a "constant" function? You should be able to figure out which one that is just by looking.

Then: What is the definition of and notation for the "greatest integer" function? Does any of the listed functions match this?

Then: What is the definition of a "direct variation" function? What is its form?

This question is a matter of pattern recognition. Yes, we recognize the patterns. But our giving you the answers won't help you one whit. You need to learn the terms and notation yourself.

I see. In that case, I probably should point out that your "Greatest Integer" notation seems to have turned into "Absolute Values". That WILL make it harder to discern.
I know what they are but i dont know how to graph them that is the problem i am having i cant figure it out i think i am doing it wrong
This is what i am doing in order to graph a direct variaton you need to put it in y=kx so i did y=x/2 because 2 is the known number then i made x zero so i got y=0/2 then y=0 then i solved the other side 0=x/2 multiplied x/2 by 2 and got x then the otherside i did the same thing 0multiplied by 2 and got 0=x is this the right answer 0,0
nise143 said:
i dont know how to graph them
Pick a value for x. Plug this value into the equation. Solve for the corresponding value of y. Draw the x,y dot.

Repeat the process until you have enough dots to draw the line.
