Help with graphing

1) Pick an x-value.
2) Plug it into the equation.
3) Simplify to find the corresponding y-value.
4) Draw the (x, y) dot.
5) Lather. Rinse. Repeat (steps 1 through 4). :wink:
6) Put a ruler against the row of dots.
7) Draw the line.

Re: graphing

AshL said:
i still dont understand how to do this...
At which step (1 through 7) are you stuck?

Plce the value of x=2 into the equation you have....

y= x-3
y= -1

and you now have a point to plot (2, -1)
okay now do i do that again? or do i have to find another point..
"Doing it again" is "finding another point". And, yes, you need more than one point in order to draw the line.
