Differential Equation question


New member
Sep 25, 2005

I have this first order differential equation that says
e^((-5x))*y' - 5e^((-5x))*y = 0 and then it simplifies to:

d/dx(ye^(-5x)) = 0

How in the world did they (the book) get this??

Thank you.
Maybe they noticed the pattern in the two terms. Try differentiating f(x) = e<sup>-5x</sup>. What do you get?

So if you have ye<sup>-5x</sup> = 0, what will you get if you differentiate implicitly with respect to x?


P.S. I'm not saying that this is "the" way to do it, but, until somebody comes along with a proper methodology, this at least gives you a hint of a possibly-useful way to look at things.
Stare at the "Product Rule" really hard. It will soak in.
I noticed that if I differentiate ye^((-5x)=0 I get exactly the step before it, e^((-5x))*y' - 5e^((-5x))*y = 0 using the product rule and implicit differentiation, so that makes sense. but how would you know how to go the other way around? Is there a method or do you just look for patterns?
Learning to recognize patterns is a lifelong process. Pursue it with vigor.

You do NOT want to miss an exact differential when it is staring at you.