performance assessments: where can I find practice materials



Does anyone know a good site where I could find some practice performance assessments? They are always so hard, and I think I will need the extra practice.
What do you mean by "performance assessments"? Are you looking for math worksheets, so you can get some extra practice in some topic before the test?

Please be specific. Thank you.

^ oh, sorry, u guys don't do preformance assessments then...

In ontario...
the math exam is all knolage questions so its easy
the thinking and inquiery (sp?) questions are given to you before the exam. these are called preformance assessments, and they are realy hard...

So I guess i need practice ,realy hard questions, on trig word problems..
Your best solution would then to buy a Trig book and maybe a solutions manual to it.
ive finished highschool in ontario and have no idea what you're talking about. you have some weird exams in your schoolboard.
Boy... in my days, high school in Ontario went to grade 13, and the finals
for high school graduation were set by the education board, and were the
same for ALL of didn't know what to expect :shock:

You guys sure have it easy...

Which high school did you 2 guys attend?
Mine was Glengarry District High School (in Alexandria, Ontario)
a.n. myer in niagara falls, im finished this year and graduating in 5 days :)

the only really hard performance assessments we got in gr 12 calc/data and gr 11 academic were problems that were a bit above the general required understanding that we would get a couple nights to finish. evryone would copy the 3-4 peopel who actually got the answer on their own.

exams are basically taken from the tests, and the numbers are changed. exams tend to have easier questions than tests and if you can just remember all the rules and principles theres nothing there that is meant to trick you.
couple nights to finish

you got to take them home...we don't :(

After we wrote the preformance assessments and were comming out of the class everyone had a depresed look, when we got our markes, the teacher said that 50% is normal and if you got that you did ya our preformance assessments are really hard and I worried about this year because they could bring my mark ,they are worth 10% of your final mark, and I have to apply to university with these marks...