Write 8 as a power of 2, 100000 as a power of 10, etc


New member
Mar 7, 2007
I am helping my little sister with her math homework, and I have come stuck on something that ought to be really simple! I feel really stupid for asking, but hey! Ill do it anyway!


a) 8 as a power of 2
b) 100,000 as a power of 10
c) 9x9 as a power of 3
d) 16x16x16 as a power of 4

I dont understand what it means by write it. Any help would be GREATFULLY appreciated! Thanks =D
kagwag said:
I dont understand what it means by write it.
I would expect that they mean "take a pencil and write your answer on the paper". What else could it mean...?

As for the actual exercises, I'm afraid that trying to tutor through a "translator" who doesn't understand the material is almost never successful. So please have the student reply (or dictate a reply) showing what she has tried and how far she has gotten.

For instance, on (a), how far has she gotten with factoring 8? If she has 8 fully factored, how far has she gotten with converting the factored form to exponential form? And so forth.

Thank you.
