Real or Imaginary Solutions


New member
May 16, 2007
Find all real or imaginary solutions:

6x = -19x + 25
...........x + 1

Work I've done:

LCD = (x+1)

(x + 1)(6x) = (x+1)(-19x + 25)
.............................( x + 1 )

Cross canceling on the right side gives us:

(x + 1)(6x) = (-19x + 25)

(6x^2 + 6x) = (-19x + 25)
(6x^2 + 6x) - (-19x + 25)
6x^2 - 13x - 25

At this point I get stuck. Did I do something wrong somewhere?
Thanks :)
summer_storms said:
Find all real or imaginary solutions:

6x = -19x + 25
...........x + 1

6x^2 - 13x - 25
You have a mistake.
It should be \(\displaystyle 6x^2 +25x-25=0\)

The minus on the constant assures two real answers.
Mistakes are bad soon as I read your reply I could see where I went wrong. I often get the signs mixed up. I got it all figured out now. Thanks so much :D