One on One


New member
May 16, 2007
Find two positive real numbers that differ by 1 and have a product of 1.

I believe the answer is 1 sqrt1, -1 sqrt1

but I don't know how to do work my way to the answer. Thanks :)
Your answers make no sense. You simply MUST check your answers with the problem statement, otherwise you are just guessing.

1) Are they both positive?
2) sqrt(1) = 1 Why is that significant?

I feel a Golden Ratio coming on.

Define your values.

x is a positive Real Number
y is another positive Real number

x > y, but it could be the other way around.

"differ by 1"
x - y = 1

"product of 1"
x * y = 1

Solve the NonLinear System
x - y = 1
x * y = 1

What's your plan to solve that system?
You "believe" .... :shock:

a - b = 1
ab = 1

If you can't handle that, you need more help than what's available here...