what are some facts about squares and rectangles?

Re: mathematics

december-princess said:
what are some facts about squares and rectangles?
All squares are rectangles.
Some rectangles are not squares.
Re: mathematics

what are some facts about squares and rectangles?

As pka said, all squares are rectangles and some rectangles are not squares.

The 4 corner angles of squares and rectangles are 90º.

Each pair of opposite sides of squares and rectangles are parallel.

The diagonal of all squares is s(sqrt2), "s" being the side length.

The diagonals of all rectangles is sqrt(L^2 + W^2) L being the length and W being the width.

Of all possible rectangles, the square encloses the maximum area for a given perimeter.

The point of intersection of the diagonals of both squares and rectangles is the center of the circumscribed circle.

I am certain others will be uncovered.
december-princess said:
what are some facts about squares and rectangles?
Pull out your geometry book, and look! You could also look in a dictionary, flip though some other geometry texts, grab your library card and do an on-ground search, or go to a search engine and do a search online. There are just loads of great resources you can use! :D

december-princess said:
what are some facts about squares and rectangles?

Facts About Rectangles:

Has all of the properties of the parallelogram PLUS

(a) 4 right angles
(b) diagonals congruent

Facts About Squares:

Has all of the properties of a parallelogram AND the rectangle AND the rhombus.

The square has all it all!!

Here is it in one large bag about a square:

(a) 4 right angles
(b) diagonals congruent
(c) 2 sets of parallel sides
(d) 2 sets of congruent sides
(e) opposite angles congruent
(f) consecutive angles supplementary
(g) diagonals bisect each other
(h) diagonals form 2 congruent triangles
(I) 4 congruent sides
(J)diagonals bisect angles
(k) diagonals perpendicular
(L)4 right angles
(m) diagonals congruent