$10K invested for 1 yr, part at 8%, rest at 12%; $944 int.


New member
Sep 8, 2008
1. Michelle invested $10,000 for one year, part at 8% interest and the rest at 12% annual interest. Her total interest for the year was $944. How much money did she invest at 12% interest?

2. In one year, Carol earned the same amount of interest from an investment at 8% annual interest as an investment at 12% annual interest. She had invested $1500 more at 8%. How much money did she have invested 12%?

Well, I would have posted a little bit of work on these, its just that I dont understand word problems at all. Once I am able to get down to the start of an equation, I should be able to get these completed. I'm not asking for you to do the for me, (I'm not saying that wouldn't be nice :p) I am just simply asking to help get started on these problems :D

Thanks for the help :)
Re: Pre Algebra interest word problems

Get started by naming stuff.

x = the amount invested at 12%

Go get 'em.