Law of Sines


New member
Dec 29, 2008
Thanks for the many help!

I have this problem on Law of Sines. In this problem, we are given 2 sides and one angle, now, when computing for the problem in the calculator, I am arriving at an answer "MATH ERROR", for this I am computing for the arcsine to get the angle. Here is the problem

We are suppose to fill in the missing parts of the triangle ABC where a,b,c are the sides and A,B,C are the angles
We are given the side b =100m, side c = 50m, and the angle C = 46.3 deg

Here is my computation:

sin 46.3 deg / 50 m = sin B / 100 m
sin B = 1.445934292

When computing for B, it seems that I'm arriving an answer Math Error

Why is that?How should I approach It?

I would also accept links

Sorry if I ask too much!
Did you see my edit?. Are you sure b and c are not mixed up?. b=50 and c=100 would be OK.
I'm an idiot. It is too early to be doing this.

Set it up like so and you'll be OK.

\(\displaystyle \frac{sin(46.3)}{100}=\frac{sin(B)}{50}\)

I think the b and c are interchanged.
ImOk said:
It's not interchanged. It is what in the book

Then there must be an error in the book....the problem as stated gives you a number greater than 1 as the value for sin B. But -1 < sin B < 1 for any angle B....thus your calculator "error message".

It wouldn't be the first time an error has appeared in a textbook!
There is an additional question at the bottom of the page of the book asking it we got an error on the solving process.
I was just verifying if the answer to the question will really yield an error. Thanks :D