$289.50, plus 5% GST, 7% PST, 1% imp. fee, 3/4% booking fee


New member
Mar 24, 2009
These are the questions that I came across in math class that I don't understand.. can you please include an explanation? Thank you.

1. The cost of an airline ticket is $289.50. Added to this cost is 5% GST, 7% PST, 1% airport improvement fee, and 3/4 % booking fee. What is the total cost of this ticket?

2. One year, the towns of Cedarville and Pinedale each had the same population of 1200. Over the next two years, the population of Cedarville increased by 8% one year and 7% the next year. Over the same two years, the population of Pinedale increased by 15%.
a) Did the population of each town increase by the same amount? Explain.
b) What was the new population of each town?
Re: 8th Grade Math Questions, Please Help =)

1. Add the percents, then apply the result to the ticket cost to get the total extra cost of the ticket.
2. Apply the percentage increases successively to Cedarville.