Word Play 4


Elite Member
Jan 28, 2005

\(\displaystyle \begin{array}{c} \text{Syllepsis} \\ \text{One word is understood differently} \\ \text{in relation to two or more other words.} \\ \\ \text{Piano, n. A parlor utensil for subduing the impertinent visitor.} \\ \text{It is operated by depressing the keys of the machine} \\ \text{and the spirits of the audience.} \\ \text{(Ambrose Bierce, }A\;Devil's\;Dictionary}) \\ \\ \text{I finally told Ross, late in the summer,} \\ \text{that I was losing weight, my grip,} \\ \text{and possibly my mind.} \\ \text{(James Thurber, }The\;Y\!ears\;with\;Ross\text{, 1959)} \\ \\ \text{Peace} \\ \text{Live in it or rest in it} \\ \text{(Bumper sticker)} \\ \\ \\ \\

\text{Anaphora} \\ \text{A repetition of a word or phrase} \\ \text{at the beginning of successive clauses.} \\ \\ \text{. . . whatever the cost may be} \\ \text{we shall fight them on the beaches,} \\ \text{we shall fight them on the landing grounds,} \\ \text{we shall fight them in the fields,} \\ \text{we shall fight them in the streets,} \\ \text{and we shall fight them in the hills.} \\ \text{We will never surrender.} \\ \text{(Winston Churchill, 1940)} \\ \\ \text{Of all the gin joints} \\ \text{in all the towns} \\ \text{in all the world} \\ \text{she walks into mine.} \\ \text{(Rick Blaine, }Casablanca) \end{array}\)

Time flies like an arrow - fruit flies like a rotten banana. (I think attributed to Groucho)