Word Play 9


Elite Member
Jan 28, 2005

\(\displaystyle \begin{array}{c}Isoclon \\ \text{A succession of clauses or sentences} \\ \text{of approximately equal length } \\ \text{and correspnding structure.} \\ \\ \\ \text{An inconvenience is only an adventure wrongly considered.} \\ \text{An adventure is an inconvenience rightly considered.} \\ \text{(G. K. Chesterton)} \\ \\ \\ \text{It takes a licking} \\ \text{but it keeps on ticking!} \\ \text{(Timex slogan)} \\ \\ \\ \text{Come then: let us to the task,} \\ \text{to the battle, to the toil --} \\ \text{each to our part, each to our station.} \\ \text{Fill the armies, rule the air,} \\ \text{pour out the munitions, strangle the U-boats,} \\ \text{sweep the mine, plow the land,} \\ \text{build the ships, guard the streets,} \\ \text{succor the wounded, uplift the downcast,} \\ \text{and honor the brave.} \\ \text{(Winston Churchill, 1940)} \\ \\ \\ \text{I'm a Pepper, he's a Pepper,} \\ \text{she's a Pepper, we're a Pepper!} \\ \text{Wouldn't you like to be a Pepper, too?} \\ \text{(Dr. Pepper jingle)} \end{array}\)

\(\displaystyle \begin{array}{c}Hypophora \\ \text{A question is raised and} \\ \text{immediately answered} \\ \\ \\ \text{In Switzerland, they had brotherly love,} \\ \text{five hundred years of democracy and peace,} \\ \text{and what did that produce?} \\ \text{The cuckoo clock.} \\ \text{(Harry Lime in }The\:Third\:Man\text{, 1949)} \\ \\ \\ \text{Ask any mermaid you happen to see,} \\ \text{"What's the best tuna?"} \\ \text{Chicken of the Sea!} \\ \text{(TV commercial)} \\ \\ \\ \text{What makes a king of a slave? Courage!} \\ \text{What make the flag on the mast to wave? Courage!} \\ \text{What makes the elephant charge his tusk} \\ \text{in the misty mist and the dusky dusk} \\ \text{What makes the muskrat guard his musk? Courage!} \\ \text{(The Cowardly Lion in }The\:W\!izard\:eek:f\:Oz\text{. 1939)} \end{array}\)
