Graphing quadtratic equat 2x^2+9y=18


New member
Jul 17, 2011
Please I need help solving this equation 2x^2+9y=18 and graph it by plotting points...someone can help me ???
Thanks for replying you mean 9y=18 - 2x^2 ? having a very hard time solving this problem i need to graph by plotting points... :(
Please do not take this as an insult or putdown. If you cannot solve this for 'y', you are in the wrong class and need to back up and take some more pre-algebra. Seriously.

\(\displaystyle y = \frac{18-2x^{2}}{9} = 2 - \frac{2}{9}x^{2}\)

There is an important argument for completing the square. This would help you pick more useful values for 'x'. As it is, try symmetric about x = 0.