I'm a bit concerned


Super Moderator
Oct 6, 2005
Lately, I've been using words like copyable and italicization.

They all look good enough for me, but, when I read them, the inner voice that I hear is not mine; it's George Bush's. :shock:
It's okay. Dictionaries are histories, not law givers.
Whenever I see "irregardless", I worry about the meaning.

Now, when I feel like messing with somebody, I no longer need to reply, "Please don't say 'irregardless'; there is no such word"; I can simply respond with, 'disirregardless'.

Thanks, Subhotosh.
Lately, I've been using words like copyable and italicization.

They all look good enough for me, but, when I read them, the inner voice that I hear is not mine; it's George Bush's. :shock:

"Copyable" is a legitimate word.



"Italicization" is a legitimate word.



"Irregardless" is also a legitimate word, but it is

Oxford Dictionaries do not recognize "copyable" (other two are recognized).

I worry about the trend of changing nouns into verbs.

I remember when orbit was a noun: the path of a satellite.
But since the beginning of the Space Age, an object can orbit the Earth.

Now we hear TV reporters saying,
. . "The increase of interest rates can impact sales figures."

Personally, I distance myself from those people.

I worry about the trend of changing nouns into verbs.

I remember when orbit was a noun: the path of a satellite.
But since the beginning of the Space Age, an object can orbit the Earth.

Now we hear TV reporters saying,
. . "The increase of interest rates can impact sales figures."

Personally, I distance myself from those people.

That's why I sit 10 ft away from the TV set......

I worry about the trend of changing nouns into verbs.

I am bothered by it, too.


\(\displaystyle \text{We will table the discussion.}\)

\(\displaystyle \text{We will allow it to sunset.}\)

\(\displaystyle \text{We want to effect a change.}\)

\(\displaystyle \text{We want to grandfather in the new change.}\)

\(\displaystyle \text{That person wants to chair a committee.}\)

\(\displaystyle \text{I heart you.}\)