this the right one, if so........


Junior Member
Jan 25, 2012
Explain why you need to know the measures of all three angles of a triangle before you can name it by its angles.
go up to the notifications by where it says welcome and your name. click there to read what I sent you :)
Explain why you need to know the
measures of all three angles of a triangle before you can name it by its angles.


I believe that you don't even know what you're asking for in this
unclear and/or ambiguous statement.

If a triangle has an obtuse angle, then it is known that it is
an obtuse triangle.

If a triangle has a right angle, then it is known that it is
a right triangle.

If it is known that a triangle has two acute angles,
then it is possibly an acute triangle, a right triangle,
or an obtuse triangle. This is the only case where
the remaining angle has to be known to state which
type of triangle it is.


It's as if someone asks you a clarification question,
and you impulsively latch onto their potentially
correct meaning.
okay, how do change it then? and I'll shut up in case you haven't read any of my other "posts"
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