number grouping

Which number is the smallest 6, .25, .7, 1, or .33
This problem requires understanding what a decimal number means.

0.1 MEANS the fraction 1 over 10, or 10 over 100, or 100 over 1000, and so on.

0.2 MEANS the fraction 2 over 10, or 20 over 100, or 200 over 1000, and so on.

0.3 MEANS the fraction 3 over 10, or 30 over 100, or 300 over 1000, and so on.

So what does 0.7 mean?

And 0.25 MEANS the fraction 25 over 100, or 250 over 1000, or 2500 over 10000, and so on.

So what does 0.33 mean?

Can you arrange your numbers from lowest to highest now?