Similar Right triangles, find altitude


New member
May 18, 2013

I hope you can see that but it says that all triangles are similar then asks for the altitude given 2 hypos. 2 hypos/side are 20 and 15 respectively. Can't figure this out, found the side JL = 25 but still can't figure out how to calculate the altitude/KM
The triangles are similar, because 3 pairs of correspondending sides are in the same ratio.
So here we have: 25:20:15 = 5:4:3.
Now you have to find: 20:JM:KM.
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found the side JL = 25 but still can't figure out how to calculate the altitude/KM

Note that the area of \(\displaystyle \Delta KJL\) is \(\displaystyle 150\).

Use the area formula.

But \(\displaystyle \overline{KM}\) is an altitude to base \(\displaystyle \overline{JL}\)