Vector calculation


New member
Jun 20, 2015
Hi, I'm having problem with this question: This is what the paragraph below the picture says:


This is what the paragraph below the picture says:

"In the diagram above, RSTU is a parallelogram. V is a point on the edge TS where TV : VS = 1 : 4. Given: that \(\displaystyle \,\vec{RU}\, =\, \underline{a},\, \vec{RS}\, =\, \underline{b},\, |\,\underline{a}\,|\, =\, 10\, \mbox{ cm },\, |\, \underline{b}\, |\, =\, 4\, \mbox{ cm},\, \) and the area of the parallelogram RSTU is 20 cm2.

"Calculate \(\displaystyle \, \left|\, \dfrac{4}{5}\underline{a}\, +\, \underline{b}\, \right|.\, \) Correct your answer to two decimal places."

And this is the only thing I know but it don't looks correct

\(\displaystyle \left|\, \dfrac{4}{5}\, \cdot\, 10\, \cdot\, 4\, \right|\, =\, 32\)

(Actually I had no idea if this belong to calculus part but Google shows vector is Calculus II so I post this here. If I'm wrong, please tell me.)
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