areas of 2 squares differs by 100, perimeters by 10


New member
Apr 5, 2009
okay so in my Algebra two class we have these word problems to try to figure out. We get them about every three weeks. I've had this problem for about a week and i have no idea how to even start it! please help. :!:

The areas of two squares differ by 100 square units, and the perimeters of the two squares differ by 10 units. what is the perimeter, in units, of the smaller square?
Re: i dont know how to even start it! please help!

You have NO idea whatsoever? WHY is that? Poor teacher?

Answer we know where you're at:
side of larger square = a, side of smaller square = b :
what is the area and the perimeter of each?
Re: i dont know how to even start it! please help!

this is the teachers first year teaching algebra two, so i dont think he has any idea how to do it.
i dont know the sides or anything. he just gave me a sheet of paper and that is all that it said on it was that problem. no hints or anything. it's frustrating to try to figure out something that i haven't even learned, or dont remember..
Re: i dont know how to even start it! please help!

Oh boy...

A square has sides = 6; another square has sides = 4
What is the area and perimeter of each?
in my Algebra two class we have these word problems to try to figure out. We get them about every three weeks. I've had this problem for about a week and i have no idea how to even start it! please help. :!:

The areas of two squares differ by 100 square units, and the perimeters of the two squares differ by 10 units. what is the perimeter, in units, of the smaller square?

Two squares, one with side "x", the other with side "y", "x" greater that "y".

What is the area of each square?

Ax = x^2 and Ay = Y^2.

Their areas differ by 100 square units OR x^2 - y^2 = 100.

What is the perimiter of each square?

Px = 4x and Py = 4y.

Their perimeters differ by 10 units OR 4x - 4y = 10 OR (x - y) = 2.5.

You now have two equations in two unknowns.

Can you take it from here?