Calculating using dv/dt = dh/dt * dv/dh to find dv/dh and then integrating the answer to get a line


New member
Mar 14, 2019
The object the math question is based around for reference is a cylinder
I know
dv/dh = pi*r^2

h = 0.00192882t - 1..32( this line was h = -0.00192882t + 1..32 but the question said to multiply the line by -1)
dh/dt= 0.00192882

r = 4

So therefore if I do the rate of change part right right I should get

0.00192882/16pi = dv/dh

then if I integrate I get

h = 0.000378722921381t + c

Is this correct, I have a feeling I did something wrong because I'm not getting the answer I expected.

I expected a line sloping negatively from the 2nd quadrant through the 1st and then to the 4th
"h = 0.00192882t - 1..32( this line was h = -0.00192882t + 1..32 but the question said to multiply the line by -1)". Did you think to wonder WHY? If the first equation is true then the second equation can't be true! You could multiply both sides by -1 so that -h= -0.00192882t+ 1..32. I am still wondering what "1..32" means.