Find Bearing that control tower should use to locate plane



A DC-9 aircraft leaves Midway Airport from runway 4 RIGHT, whose bearing is N40degreesE. After flying for 1/2 mile, the pilot requests permission to turn 90 degrees and head toward the southeast. The permission is granted. After the airplane goes 1 mile in this direction, what bearing should the control tower use to locate the aircraft?
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There's no lag time between asking, granting, and executing?

Really, let's see your work.

My work:

t = theta

tant = 2

t = tan INVERSE 1 (2)

t = 63.4 degrees

Now I take the new angle found and subtract the given 40 degrees, right?

So, 63.4 degrees - 40 degrees = 23.43 degrees, which I then write as

S23.43degreesE but according to the textbook, the answer is S76.6degreesS.

Why am I wrong?

the airplane turned right ...

40 degrees + 63 degrees = 103 degrees, clockwise from North

this can also be written as E 13 degrees S or S 77 degrees E.