Find Length of Highway Around Pelican Bay


Full Member
May 8, 2005
U.S. 41, a highway whose main directions are north-south, is being built along the west coast of Florida. Near Naples, a bay obstructs the straight path of the road. Since the cost of a bridge is prohibited, engineers decide to go around the bar. What is the length of highway needed to go around the bay?


A to B = 2 miles
From C to D = 1/8 miles
From D to E = 1/8 miles.
A line goes from A to D through C and another line goes from B to D through E forming a triangle.
140 degrees lies OUTSIDE angle A and 135 degrees lies OUTSIDE angle B.
I subtracted 140 degrees from 180 degrees to find angle A and subtracted 135 degrees from 180 degrees to find angle B.
Also, Pelican Bay lies between A and B or between the two miles.

140 degrees
| C
| D
| E
135 degrees

My answer: 2.95 miles = wrong answer.

Book's answer: 2.64 miles = right answer.

I thnk you mean "prohibitive", but that is of no consequence.

No clue on this one. Is there a drawing?
Here it is again

U.S. 41, a highway whose main directions are north-south, is being built along the west coast of Florida. Near Naples, a bay obstructs the straight path of the road. Since the cost of a bridge is prohibited, engineers decide to go around the bar. What is the length of highway needed to go around the bay?


A to B = 2 miles
From C to D = 1/8 miles
From D to E = 1/8 miles.
A line goes from A to D through C and another line goes from B to D through E forming a triangle.
140 degrees lies OUTSIDE angle A and 135 degrees lies OUTSIDE angle B.
I subtracted 140 degrees from 180 degrees to find angle A and subtracted 135 degrees from 180 degrees to find angle B.
Also, Pelican Bay lies between A and B or between the two miles.

140 degrees
| C
| D
| E
135 degrees

My answer: 2.95 miles = wrong answer.

Book's answer: 2.64 miles = right answer.
