How Far is the Ship From Harbor?



The sailor of a ship at sea has the harbor in sight at which the ship is to dock. She spots a lighthouse that she knows is 1 mile up the coast from the mouth of the harbor and she measures the angle between the line-of-sight observations of the harbor to be 20 degrees. With the ship heading directly toward the harbor, she repeats this measurement after 5 minutes of traveling at 12 miles per hour.

If the new angle is 30 degrees, how far is the ship from the harbor?
You can do it.

The "1 mile" from lighthouse to harbor doesn't change.

Distance to the harbor changes by [5 min * 12 mph * (1 hr / 60 min)] = 1 mile

Put on your drawing hat and draw the picture.
Put on your trig hat and work it out.
Hello, interval!

I'll help with the drawings . . .

The sailor of a ship at sea has the harbor in sight at which the ship is to dock.
She spots a lighthouse that she knows is 1 mile up the coast from the mouth of the harbor
and she measures the angle between the line-of-sight observations of the harbor to be 20°.

With the ship heading directly toward the harbor,
she repeats this measurement after 5 minutes of traveling at 12 mph.
If the new angle is 30°, how far is the ship from the harbor?
      H             1 mile                L
      o - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - o
      :                               *
      :                           *
      :                       *
    x :                   *
      :               *
      :           *
      : 20°   *
      :   *
    A o

The ship is at \(\displaystyle A,\;x\) miles from the harbor \(\displaystyle (H).\)
The lighthouse is at \(\displaystyle L:\;HL \,=\, 1\) mile . . . and\(\displaystyle \angle\,A\,=\,20^o.\)

      H             1 mile                L
      o - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - o
      :                             *
      :                       *
  x-1 :                 *
      : 30°       *
      :     *
    B o
    A *

After 5 minutes at 12 mph, the ship is at \(\displaystyle B\), 1 mile closer to \(\displaystyle H.\)
Hence: \(\displaystyle \,BH \:=\:x\,-\,1\) . . . and\(\displaystyle \angle\,B\,=\,30^o.\)

Can you finish the problem now?
