i can't solve this,help please



All the kings horses and all the kings men

The kings stablemen once told me he had groomed 90 percent of the horses, but the next day the king accquired 25 percent more horses than he originally had.
There were now 105 horses that still had to be groomed and made ready for the kings men.So how many horses did the king have to begin with?
If ninety percent were groomed, what percent hadn't been groomed?

Adding to that, you have the twenty-five percent (of the original amount) that were added, that are also not groomed. Then what percentage of the original amount remains ungroomed?

Pick a variable for the original amount. Then take the sentence:

. . . .(horses still to be groomed) is (the percent I found) of (the original amount)

...and translate it into an equation, recalling that "is" means "equals" and "of" means "times". Solve for the variable.

Captanblue to the rescue!
I just just find it easier to say: (no offense staple)
The reason I did this is because he groomed 90% of the horses (x*90%) or (x.90) or (x.9). Then he got 25 percent more horses than he originally had (x*25%) or (x.25). After that add them together and solve for x.
or 82 since you can't have a fraction of a horse

I'm pretty sure this is right
didn't work,so what now?

ok so are you saying the answer is 82 horses. or add 82 to the 105 which is 187 horse. in either case neither answer is correct. so i'm completly stumped!!!!! so what answer did you get stapel? i am playing a computer game with this question. and the only way for me to advance is to solve this. so any more help?????
totally stuck but thank you captanblue

thats ok,you may have read the question right. but in either case i'm still stuck, so any thoughts or do you know of anybody else who could help me? but thank you so much for trying and not answering my question with another question and replying so fast and not leaving me hanging. thanks a bunch and i really appreciated it.
For a computer game:
He had x horses.
30 not groomed
75 added
105 total.
Yup, he started with 300.
thanks a bunch captanblue

that was it. the anwser was 300 horses. thanks for the help captanblue :D
peace :wink:
captanblue said:
whoa...he was right!?!???!
Yes, one is generally more likely to obtain a correct answer when one uses the correct methodology and the correct numbers.

No offense. :roll:
