interior angles and exterior angles


Junior Member
Apr 15, 2006
what is the interior angles of a polygon ?

does all the inside angles are called interior angles ?

what is the exterior angles of a polygon ?

does all the angles which are created by 2 sides outside are called exterior angles ?
Looking up definitions is within the scope of personal research. How hard can it be to search the Web? I typed in "polygon interior angle exterior" and managed nearly 29,000 hits. Surely you can find something.
tkhunny said:
Looking up definitions is within the scope of personal research. How hard can it be to search the Web? I typed in "polygon interior angle exterior" and managed nearly 29,000 hits. Surely you can find something. are right. i know that. my badness that i could not make you understand what i am looking for.

I am stuck at this I am explaing once again....

We know, in a triangle, that the external angle = internal angle1 + internal this actually called internal angle?

When we talk about a triangle, how many internal angles are there? Is it 3 or 2?

From the above example formula I see, its 2 ------(1)

And in the Google search, it says all the inside angles are "internal angles". So by this calculation, there should be, in total, 3 "internal angles" of a triangle.----(2)

So (1) and (2) are contradictory, and I become confused. Hence in my first post I asked "does all the inside angles are called interior angles?" to get it confirmed by you experienced guys.

I did not want to explain this stuff in my first post because it is a bit messy, is it not? So I asked straightforward question to get it clarified, and you thought I am too lazy to surf google....damn!

Thank you for your time.

How does a particular formula's use of two of the three angles "prove" that there are only two such angles?

Please clarify. Thank you.


P.S. You received an initial reply which was appropriate to your initial post. To avoid further confusion in the future, it might help if you posted what you actually meant. Thank you.
In \(\displaystyle \Delta ABC\) suppose that D is a point on line AB such that B is between A & D.

Then the \(\displaystyle \angle CBD\) is said to be an exterior angle of \(\displaystyle \Delta ABC\).
The two angle \(\displaystyle \angle CAB\) & \(\displaystyle \angle ACB\) are the remote interior angles with respect to \(\displaystyle \angle CBD\).

The remote interior angle theorem states that the measure of any exterior angle of a triangle equals the sum of the measures of its two remote interior angles: \(\displaystyle m(\angle CBD) = m(\angle CAB) + m(\angle ACB)\)