its a right triangle and the smallest angle is 20 degrees...


New member
Mar 22, 2007
its a right triangle and i already figured out that the angles are such..
the smallest angle is 20 degrees, one is obviously is 90, and the last is 70 degrees. the longer leg is 9. would the shorter leg be 24.73? ( i used tangent)
lena said:
its a right triangle and i already figured out that the angles are such..
the smallest angle is 20 degrees, one is obviously is 90, and the last is 70 degrees. the longer leg is 9. would the shorter leg be 24.73? ( i used tangent)
Does the above means the following?

I have a right triangle, with the other angles being 20 degrees and 70 degrees. The longer leg, opposite the 70-degree angle, has length 9 units. I need to find the length of the shorter leg.

To do this, I used the tangent. My work is as follows....

Is my answer of 24.73 units correct? Thank you.
Please reply with correction or confirmation. When you reply, please include all your work.

Thank you.
