multi-step unit conversions: feet to kilometers


New member
Sep 3, 2007
I am learning and need help with multi-step conversions! I am having the most trouble with setting up word problems. This one in particular is giving me heartburn!

A running track measures 1056 ft. per lap. To run 15.0 km. , how many laps should you run? ( 1 mi. = 5280 ft.)

Any help on how to set this one up would be wonderful! Thank you!
1 m = 3.28 ft

(1056 ft)/(3.28 ft/m) = number of meters in one lap

you need to cover 15 km = 15000 m

divide the 15000 m by the number of meters in one lap to get the number of laps.
\(\displaystyle 15.0 km\times \frac{1 lap}{1056 ft}\times \frac{5280 ft}{1 mi}\times \frac{0.62 mi}{1 km}=\) you do the arithmetic an canceling to get the answer.