related rates issue


New member
Sep 27, 2005
A kite 100ft above the ground moves horizontally at a speed of 8ft/s. At what rate is the angle between the string and the horizontal decreasing when 200ft of string have been let out..

Alright I know that I think I need to use a triangle and the pyth. thereom. hwoeever i am unsure how to set this up and go about it espec. with the implic. diff
Draw the right triangle, with the kite's string source to the left, the vertical height labelled as "y = 100, dy/dt = 0", the horizontal distance (at the top end of the vertical-height line) labelled as "x, dx/dt = 8", and the diagonal line (the hypotenuse) labelled as "s = 200".

Use the Pythagorean Theorem to find the numerical value of x, for the given values of y and s.

Draw the other right triangle, along the ground, that completes the rectangle of length x and height y. Note that the angle ß ("beta", along the ground, at the string source) is the angle that they're asking about. Label this triangle similarly to the other.

You are asked for dß/dt. Note that tan(ß) = y/x. Differentiate implicitly with respect to time t, and use the known values of x, y, dx/dt, and dy/dt.
