S2e this estimator of the variance of error term ?i


New member
Nov 16, 2017
Hi everyone, it's me again... Hopefully for one last time this semester, after that I'm leaving you all alone.

So that's my sample

yi : 4, 2, 0
xi : 16, 22, 31

Already found :

Yi + a + BXi + ?i

Also found the empirical correlation between X and Y and the R^2.

But now I need to calculate S2e which is the estimator of the variance of the error term

I calculated my
?1 = 0,1576, ?2 = -0,2632 and ?3 = 0,1056

I know that
? is the distance between Yi + a + BXi + ?i, I also know how to calculate the estimator for a variance but I'm not sure what to do here, not even sure I understand what I need to do.
Thanks a lot in advance!