30 oz of 10% juice added to 50 oz 20% juice. Find percent in


New member
Mar 15, 2009
Hoping someone could help me set this up and explain how to do it.

Thirty ounces of a punch that contains 10% grapefruit juice is added to 50 ounces of a punch that contains 20% grapefruit juice. Find the percent of grapefruit juice in the remaining solution.

I had a similar problem that I was able to set up into a table, but I cant figure out how to do this one. Am I supposed to find the remaining solution and the % of grapefruit resulting in 2 variables? THANKS!!
Re: Word Problem

See if you can set up an equation saying "amount of grapefruit juice in the 10% mixture plus the amount of grapefruit juice in the 20% mixture equals the amount of grapefruit juice in the remaining solution."
seders99 said:
Find the percent of grapefruit juice in the remaining solution.
What does your book mean by "the remaining solution"? (The "resulting" solution, the solution resulting from the mixing, would make sense, but I can't think of anything sensible for what the assignment has asked of you.)

Also, what method did you use on the other exercise(s), that isn't working for this one? (If you could show your work, then we can try to find an errors or mistaken assumptions which are preventing your progress.)

Thank you! :D
Is the 10% graceful of the 50 ounces? Or, should we interpret this as there being 5 ounces of grapefruit?

Please provide more detail...Thanks!
You owe $30 at 10% and $50 at 20%: so you owe $80 at p % ; what's p ?