adding b to b squared


New member
Oct 3, 2012
Hi there,

I'm in the middle of a problem and totally forgot how to add b + b2 -156. I'm not just looking for the answer but I'm forgetting how to add b+b2.

Hi there,

I'm in the middle of a problem and totally forgot how to add b + b2 -156. I'm not just looking for the answer but I'm forgetting how to add b+b2.


You can not add b to b². These are two completely different terms. You can only add terms togethr that have the same variable. i.e. b + 3b or b² + 3b²
If that's an equation: b^2 + b - 156 = 0
then you'd SOLVE for b to get b = 12 or b = -13

However, you don't seem to know what you're asking...
Aw, c'mon, now! you don't know what he is asking. I don't know what he is asking. But it does not follow that he does not know what he is asking.
Hi there,

I'm in the middle of a problem and totally forgot how to add b + b2 -156. I
'm not just looking for the answer but I'm forgetting how to add b+b2.



I am asking you this:

Would you please type out the exact problem as originally presented to you,
including all of the words and symbols, so that your request can be
considered in the context of the whole problem?