Answer to polynomial inequality in interval notation?


New member
Oct 24, 2010
I need to solve this polynomial inequality. (x-3)(x+2)(1-x) is greater than or equal to 0. I need to put the answer into interval notation but I'm not sure how too. I have been struggling with this for quite some time. Thanks in advance for the help!

So far, I know that:
(x=3), (x=2), and (x=1) are the x intercepts.

I put all these on a number line and then test values from interval and know to pick the intervals that satisfy the inequality but I don't know how to write it. Please help me.
You have:

x = -2
x = 1
x = 3

For these three values, the value is zero. With three breaks, you have four intervals.

I'm a little troubled that you can pick values from intervals but cannot name the interval.

\(\displaystyle (-\infty,-2)\;\;(-2,1)\;\;(1,3)\;\;(3,\infty)\)
I don't know how to put them in union with each other, but thanks for your help.
jhoffy22 said:
I don't know how to put them in union with each other

Then you could have asked instead, "How do I write the union of two intervals?"

If you want specific responses, you need to ask the right questions. 8-)

Use the union symbol \(\displaystyle \cup\) (from set notation), to write the union of two or more sets.

EG: Write the union of the sets (-4, 7) and [15, 20]

\(\displaystyle (-4, 7) \cup [15, 20]\)

Please share your results, so far, if you would like more help with this exercise.
