Can anyone teach me how do you get from right side to left side equation?

[imath]\dfrac{y-2}{y+2} = \pm e^{4C}e^{4x} \; \Rightarrow \; y=2\,\dfrac{1 + \tilde{C}e^{4x}}{1 - \tilde{C}e^{4x}}[/imath]

I don't get it how they changed from left to right. Pls help!

What did you get, when you attempted to solve for [imath]y=[/imath] by the usual methods?

a) You converted the constant [imath]e^{4C}[/imath] to a simpler notation; that is, to [imath]\tilde{C}[/imath].

b) You multiplied through to get rid of the denominator.

c) You subtracted to get the [imath]y[/imath]-containing terms on one side of the "equals" sign.

d) You factored out the [imath]y[/imath].

e) ....

Please reply showing all of your steps. Thank you!
\(\displaystyle \dfrac {a}{b} \ = \ \dfrac {c}{d} \) →

\(\displaystyle \dfrac {a}{b} + 1 \ = \ \dfrac {c}{d} + 1 \) →

\(\displaystyle \dfrac {a+b}{b} \ = \ \dfrac {c+d}{d} \) ......................................(1) →


\(\displaystyle \dfrac {a}{b} \ = \ \dfrac {c}{d} \) →

\(\displaystyle \dfrac {a}{b} - 1 \ = \ \dfrac {c}{d} - 1 \) →

\(\displaystyle \dfrac {a - b}{b} \ = \ \dfrac {c - d}{d} \) ......................................(2)

Divide (1) by (2) to get

\(\displaystyle \dfrac {a+b}{a - b} \ = \ \dfrac {c + d}{c - d} \) ........................(3)

apply (3) into the given equation to get the desired result
\(\displaystyle \dfrac {a}{b} \ = \ \dfrac {c}{d} \) →

\(\displaystyle \dfrac {a}{b} + 1 \ = \ \dfrac {c}{d} + 1 \) →

\(\displaystyle \dfrac {a+b}{b} \ = \ \dfrac {c+d}{d} \) ......................................(1) →


\(\displaystyle \dfrac {a}{b} \ = \ \dfrac {c}{d} \) →

\(\displaystyle \dfrac {a}{b} - 1 \ = \ \dfrac {c}{d} - 1 \) →

\(\displaystyle \dfrac {a - b}{b} \ = \ \dfrac {c - d}{d} \) ......................................(2)

Divide (1) by (2) to get

\(\displaystyle \dfrac {a+b}{a - b} \ = \ \dfrac {c + d}{c - d} \) ........................(3)

apply (3) into the given equation to get the desired result