Could not resist re-posting this cartoon

I know an instructor, who in his zeal of providing "practical problems" poses impractical situations. In his problems a mom can chase a kid at 10 m/s, at the speed of an average "Olympic gold medal winning sprinter" or a little leaguer can throw a ball @ 0.08 km/sec (=~ 180 mi/hr).
I know an instructor, who in his zeal of providing "practical problems" poses impractical situations. In his problems a mom can chase a kid at 10 m/s, at the speed of an average "Olympic gold medal winning sprinter" or a little leaguer can throw a ball @ 0.08 km/sec (=~ 180 mi/hr).
Jeepers! And I thought the Chemistry problem where the electron was going faster than the speed of light was heresy!

Jeepers! And I thought the Chemistry problem where the electron was going faster than the speed of light was heresy!

Dan, you surely now "electrons" can travel faster than light (Cherenkov effect ) under certain conditions.
On a tv ad many years ago the used car owner said that he would sell this used car for just 200 bananas. He meant $200 but the judge told him that he had to take the 200 bananas that some brought to him to purchase the car. I'm wondering if it was the person in the above picture?
On a tv ad many years ago the used car owner said that he would sell this used car for just 200 bananas. He meant $200 but the judge told him that he had to take the 200 bananas that some brought to him to purchase the car. I'm wondering if it was the person in the above picture?
That's not bananas. That's nuts!
