Factoring x^2 + 3x - 40 = 0


New member
Sep 10, 2008
I am terrible at math. I know you asked for us to show the work we've done so far, but I am so bad at math I do not even know where to begin.

I would like help with factoring x^2+3x-40=0. or at least help on knowing where to begin factoring this problem.

Thank you for your volunteer work, it truely does mean alot to me that aside from all the resposibilities you guys have you still take time to help the mathmaticly challenged.
captainbabyeater said:
I do not even know where to begin. I would like help with factoring x^2+3x-40=0. or at least help on knowing where to begin factoring this problem.
You say that you have no idea how to begin, but this unfortunately leaves a lot of room for interpretation. We'll be glad to try to find lessons for you (since we obviously cannot teach courses here), but it would help if you could narrow down the parameters.

Do you know how to factor polynomials at all? For instance, can you factor x[sup:2zjbmvqf]2[/sup:2zjbmvqf] + 3x?

Do you know how to solve linear equations? For instance, can you solve x + 8 = 0?

Thank you! :D
