Find T, given T = 3x + 2, when x = 1, x = 1/3, x = 14


New member
Mar 26, 2009
I am a homeschooling mom and need help with the following problem so I can help my daughter.

Find the values of T in T=3x+2 when x equals the given amounts.
1. x=1
2. x=1/3
3. x=14

Any help that explains how to solve these problems will help greatly. I am not finding how to solve in my teacher edition.

Re: parent needing help

Replace the value of x in each problem and compute T. For example, if x=0, T=2. If x=2, T = 3(2)+2 = 6+2 =8.
Re: parent needing help

Thank you so much. At first, I didn't understand, but after looking at your example, it finally clicked.